
I have been into fashion for as long as I can remember. I have been planning my outfits for the week since grade school. Over time my style has evolved significantly and currently I am enamored with classic menswear.

I feel almost naked when I am not wearing some type of jacket, even in the summer.

Approaching my pharmacy school graduation I was excited about finally having a small amount of disposable income to invest in some quality menswear, and then I accepted a job at Target.

For those of you that don’t know, Target is a sea of red and khaki uniformed people constantly asking if they can “help you find something”. For the first time in my life I was forced to wear a uniform and it did not sit well with me. There was a small amount of flexibility but the overarching rule was that you had to wear a red shirt and khaki pants. There aren't many classic menswear staples that fall into that category.

Fast forward to December 2015; Target pharmacy is no more and I am officially free of the red and khaki! Business casual (whatever that is), here I come! Then a new challenge presented itself; how to best pair classic menswear with a white coat.

So that is where I am currently, trying my best to inject some fashion and style into the white coat (no pun intended). I am excited to be a Medelita HIP Ambassador and you can check out my profile here! I’d be ecstatic if you decide to follow along and offer feedback as you see fit! Thanks for stopping by!